Stuck in a job you don't like, working for a boss you hate, punching a time clock to make someone else rich?
Now you can tell your employer to "Take this job and shove it" – and make more money, enjoy yourself more, and have greater freedom -- as a freelancer, consultant, independent contractor, or self-employed small business owner....
Dear Friend:
I'm not a hard-driving entrepreneur -- and not terribly ambitious.
I have no burning desire to set the world on fire ... build a business empire ... or become rich and powerful.
Really, all I ever wanted was to make decent money doing work I loved – and the only work I ever loved was writing -- instead of a job I hated.
Well, maybe that, and also to be my own boss, not have to take orders from a supervisor, not wear a suit and tie to work, and no more commute.
In the early 1980s, I was the advertising manager of a company that manufactured industrial equipment ... and I found corporate life rather dull and unrewarding.
But I was afraid to quit my job, give up my steady paycheck and benefits, or leave the secure environment of my cubicle.
Then one day, MM – my boss -- called me into his office.
MM told me the company was moving the corporate headquarters from New York to Kansas.
I could either keep my job and relocate – or turn down the move and be out on the street.
I might have gone to Kansas, except my fiancée at the time said "no way" to leaving Manhattan.
And so, I told MM "I'm not going" -- and was suddenly unemployed.
Never loving the corporate structure all that much, I looked around to see whether I could possibly support myself without a 9-to-5 job – in other words, by freelancing.
To make a long story short, I was forced to figure out how to support myself – without a steady paycheck, a secretary, an office, a copier, and all the other things that had been provided for me in the corporate world – and that, as a fledgling freelancer, I could not afford on my own.
It was over 30 years ago when I first went out on my own.
And I've never held a regular "job" since.
Instead, I've worked – for over a quarter of a century – as a freelance copywriter.
Did quitting my job and going freelance work out for me?
I think so: last year, I earned 23 times more as a freelancer than I did in my last full year as a staff advertising manager.
Even better, I did it in the comfort and privacy of my own office ... for folks I chose and enjoy working with ... doing work I love to do: writing.
Now I want to show you how to quit your job, start a freelance business, and successfully make the transition from corporate employment to self employment. If you will let me.
Learn from my "expensive experience"
Not having a mentor, training program, or even a how-to book to show me the ropes (those things were in short supply in 1982), I had to figure out how to successfully make the leap from corporate employment to self employment all by my lonesome.
And naturally, I made every boneheaded mistake one could possibly make – delaying my progress by years and costing me thousands of dollars in wasted marketing and lost opportunities.
But YOU don't have to go through this slow – and costly – trial and error process alone. You can avoid all my goofs and do everything right from the get-go.
That's because I show you everything you need to know about going out on your own in my 150-page e-book, How to Become Successfully Self Employed.
You learn from my "expensive experience" the pitfalls to avoid ... and the strategies that can accelerate your exit from corporate America ... get your freelance career off to a flying start ... and accelerate your journey to financial independence.
- A proven 5-step process for making a smooth transition from corporate employment to self employment. Page 4.
- A checklist of every task you must do from the time you decide to quit your job until your new freelance business is up and running. Page 91.
- How Ben Franklin can help you choose the right career path for you – corporate employment or self employment. Page 57.
- How to stop being miserable at work – and create a business you actually enjoy. Page 6.
- Should you wait until you get your raise or bonus before resigning to start your own business? The answer may surprise you. Page 95.
- 10 traits of successful entrepreneurs – how many do you share? Page 58.
- The 7 warning signs of job burn-out ... and what you can do to alleviate each. Page 7.
- How to evaluate and weigh the advice of well-meaning friends and colleagues. Page 60.
- 6 steps to preparing to leave your job on good terms and launch a successful career in self employment. Page 61.
- Weighing the pros and cons of taking the leap into self employment vs. staying in your present job. Page 15.
- How much money should you have in the bank before you quit your day job? Answer on page 62.
- 7 reasons why millions of Americans desperately want to work for themselves and not answer to a boss. Page 11.
- You give notice and the boss asks you to stay. How to turn a potentially sticky situation into your first customer for your new small business. Page 96.
- Writing the 5-step small business strategic plan. Plus: 4 tips for presenting your business plan to potential partners and investors. Page 63.
- Do's and don'ts of leaving your job on good terms with your employer. Page 98.
- A proven technique for coming up with viable ideas for small businesses you can start at home with little or no money. Page 17.
- Getting adequate health, disability, and life insurance coverage as a self employed professional. Page 100.
- Choosing your niche: specialist vs. generalist: which is right for you? Page 68.
- How to make sure your job is in synch with your values. Page 18.
- 7 ways to legally transfer money out of your employer's treasure chest to your bank account when you resign your current position. Page 102.
- Accurately estimating your new business start-up costs and monthly operating costs. Page 71.
- The 6 biggest problems that "spook" the newly self employed during their first couple of months in business – and how to get over each fast. Page 104.
- 6 steps to taking charge of your life and changing course for a better future. Page 20.
- Tips for self-employed professionals on coping with solitude and isolation when working at home. Page 107.
- 8 time management methods that can double your personal productivity and freelance income this year. Page 111.
- Going it alone vs. taking on a business partner: pros and cons. Page 75.
- 12 techniques for separating work time from family time when your office is in your home. Page 113.
- Why you are afraid of failure but experienced entrepreneurs are not. What do they know that you don't? Page 23.
- 6 strategies to help you quickly get your first project from your first client. Page 116.
- How to double or triple your annual income by becoming self-employed in as little as a year. Page 24.
- How to create winning fliers ... sales brochures ... direct mail ... promotional events ... premiums ... newsletters ... and trade show displays to promote your business. Page 118.
- 5 most common reasons why people can't work up the courage to quit jobs they are sick and tired of – and how to overcome each. Page 28.
- The 5 greatest fears faced by new entrepreneurs and how to survive them. Page 31.
- Become a recognized, in-demand expert in your field or industry through public speaking. Page 122.
- 4 tips for getting along with your business partners. Page 78.
- Will your idea for a new business fly? 25-point checklist quickly determines feasibility of any business concept. Page 35.
- Need to get some quick credentials as an expert in your niche? Teach a college course and become a professor. Page 124.
- Should you work at home or rent outside space: tips for setting up your new office. Page 79.
- Gain visibility and build your reputation as an expert by writing articles and books on your topic. Page 125.
- How to choose a freelance career that meets your income goals. Page 37.
- 8 steps to getting leads, prospects, and customers through networking events. Page 127.
- 5 ideas for organizing a comfortable home office for maximum profitability. Page 81.
- 9 ways to get your customers to pay their overdue bills in full. Page 130.
- Coming up with new business ideas: 9 hot trends with needs to fill. Page 41.
- How to make sure you aren't behind in your income tax payments to the IRS. Page 135.
- 6 things to look for when evaluating outside office space. Page 81.
- 3 tips to ensure you don't lose customers or orders when you raise your prices. Page 139.
- Pros and cons of buying an existing business vs. starting your own new business from the ground up. Page 43.
- 9 key performance indicators to help you measure your business success and progress. Page 143.
- Save money shopping for office furniture, file cabinets, even computer systems. Page 82.
- 10 tips on buying a small business without losing your shirt. Page 45.
- Should you have a separate bank account for your business? Plus: choosing the right check format and design. Page 85.
- How to make $100,000 a year or more as a freelancer or independent consultant. Page 46.
- Finding the perfect company name for your fledgling business venture. Page 86.
- 8-point checklist shows whether you have the talent and temperament to succeed as a freelancer. Page 48.
- Save time and money outsourcing these routine office tasks – doubles your personal productivity. Page 87.
- 6 alternative careers that don't require you to freelance or start your own business. Which one is right for you? Page 49.
- Choosing an accountant to handle the books and tax preparation for your new company. Page 88.
- Should you take out a small business loan? Answer on page 53.
- Every entrepreneur needs a business attorney. Here's where to find one that can help you stay within the law. Page 89.
- And so much more....
Act now and save $30
I estimate the stupid mistakes I made out of ignorance and inexperience cost me over $100,000 in wasted marketing efforts and missed business opportunities on my journey from corporate employment to self employment.
If I could save or make you an extra $100,000 in your entrepreneurial career, would you be willing to pay me just one percent of that -- $1,000? How about $500?
Well, relax: I'm not going to charge you $1,000 ... or $500 ... or even $100 to show you how to succeed as a self-employed professional in your own field.
That's because I've put everything you need to know in my 150-page e-book How to Become Successfully Self Employed, which has a cover price of only $59.
But act now, and it's yours for just $29 ... that's a savings of $30 off the list price ... less than I charge for just 5 minutes of my time.
And that's what it costs you ONLY if my advice on how to succeed as a freelancer or self-employed professional works for you.
If it doesn't, the cost is zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. That's because you can....
... use it risk-free for 90 days
That's right.
If, after reviewing How to Become Successfully Self-Employed, you are dissatisfied for any reason ... or for no reason at all ... just let me know within 90 days.
You'll get a full and prompt refund – no questions asked. And you can keep the e-book free with my compliments.
That way, you risk nothing.
So, what are you waiting for?
To order How to Become Successfully Self-Employed on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, click below now:
Bob Bly
P.S. Order How to Become Successfully Self Employed today and you get a FREE Bonus Gift – our 84-page e-book, The Psychology of Self-Employment: How to Survive and Thrive as a Freelancer or Independent Professional (list price: $29).
In your free bonus e-book, you will discover:
- 7 key success strategies for aspiring entrepreneurs – page 48.
- What successful self-employed professionals can teach you about taking the leap from corporate employment to self-employment – page 52.
- 5 self-employment principles that can help you start and run a successful small business of your own – page 32.
- How to control your own destiny by becoming your own boss – page 26.
- 8 questions to ask before you quite your day job to start a business ... and one good answer to each – page 6.
- How to work for the most demanding boss in the world – and love every minute of it ... page 35.
- And so much more....
To order How to Become Successfully Self Employed ... and get your FREE Bonus e-book The Psychology of Self-Employment ... just click below now:

A copywriter for more than a quarter of a century, Bob has written promotions for over 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, Intuit, Passlogix, Isogon Software, and AlliedSignal.
Bob is the author of more than 90 books including The Complete Idiot's Guide to Direct Marketing (Alpha), The Ultimate Unauthorized Star Trek Quiz Book (HarperCollins), The "I Hate Kathie Lee Gifford" Book (Kensington), The Science in Science Fiction (BenBella), and, with Bo Dietl, Business Lunchatations (Penguin).
He has published more than 100 articles in such publications as Successful Meetings, Direct, Business Marketing, Writer's Digest, and Amtrak Express.
Bob's writing awards include a Gold Echo from the Direct Marketing Association, an IMMY from the Information Industry Association, two Southstar Awards, an American Corporate Identity Award of Excellence, the Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association, and AWAI 2007 Copywriter of the Year. He has also taught marketing at New York University.
Mr. Bly has appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. He has been featured in major media ranging from the LA Times and Nation's Business to the New York Post and the National Enquirer.
about Bob Bly
"I started down this road of copywriting for direct marketers by purchasing your book. Since then I have made about $50,000 in copywriting fees. I feel a debt of gratitude toward you!"
--Ray Edwards
"I went to and got a copy of Secrets of a Freelance Writer. Wow! ... I loved it! Packed with info. The book had a 'readability' about it that took away all my fears, put me at ease, and made me feel that I wasn't treading on foreign soil. I kept saying to myself, 'I can do that, I can do that!'"
--Ronald J. Rich
"Your books served as a complete reference when I started my own freelance writing business a year and a half ago. By following the advice you laid out, I quickly reached goals that I had set for year three of my business within the first year. My philosophy is, if you've written it or recommended it, I want to read it."
--Carla Jahnson
"I own a copy of The Copywriter's Handbook, which is priceless. Thank you for making this information available to those of us on a shoestring."
--Mary Klaebul, Memphis, TN
"I own Secrets of a Freelance Writer: How to Make $85,000 a Year and The Copywriter's Handbook. Both are great. You did a great job of getting to the nitty gritty. I admire and respect what you have done."
--Derek A. Chilcoat
"FYI, you started me off with your tape series on freelance copywriting, and I'm an avid reader of yours."
--Scott T. Smith, Bozeman, MT
"Having read two of your books, Secrets of a Freelance Writer and The Copywriter's Handbook, I am now taking the leap. If not for the strong encouragement of your books, I might not have jumped. Thanks again for the road map that your books offered."
--Eddie Adelman
"I am a great fan and avid reader of your books. When I first started out in this copywriting business nearly ten years ago, your Secrets of a Freelance Writer was my bible (it's so dog-eared, some of the pages are coming apart). You continue to be a great source of inspiration and education."
--John M. Mora, Plainfield, IL
"Thank you for all the books you've written over the years -- I have enjoyed many of them, and profited from what I've learned. I've been reading Become a Recognized Authority in Your Field this past month -- it's helping me really do the things I've always wanted to do."
--Michael Knowles
"I read Write More, Sell More a few years ago and loved it."
--Steve Slaunwhite
"The first time I read your book Secrets of a Freelance Writer I laughed at the fact of picturing myself as a business writer. The second time I read it, I made over $1,000 in a week. I'm laughing for a much better reason now."
--Grady Smith
"I loved your book The Copywriter's Handbook. It has sincerely helped me in my business and is worth every penny I spent on it!"
--Brian Maquire, Portland, OR
"Had I not discovered your Secrets of a Freelance Writer and The Copywriter's Handbook, I would still be a frustrated, unfulfilled hack. Thank you for saving me from that! I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with the rest of us and allowing us to take a piece of the pie. I already love this new career that I never would have discovered without your guidance. Thanks."
--Elizabeth Hanes
"I wanted to thank you for The Copywriter's Handbook and Secrets of a Freelance Writer. Both books are informative and inspirational."
--Ken Harrison
"I have read your books Selling Your Services and The Six Figure Consultant and I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge you have shared in both of these publications."
--Leah Beth Mills, Farmingville, NY
"Thanks a million for my life!"
--Alan Zoldan
"Your books The Copywriter's Handbook and Secrets of a Freelance Writer helped me start work as a freelancer. I can't tell you how many times those books saved my skin and got me confidently through unfamiliar materials. I am very grateful for your expertise and generosity."
--Lorraine Thompson
"One of the best copywriters in the business."
--Michael Meanwell, author, The Wealthy Writer
"Bob Bly is one of the most successful copywriters in the world. I've used his services and purchased a lot of his materials -- and always profited from both."
--Bob Serling, President, Idea Quotient
"Considered one of the best copywriters in the country."
--David E. Wright, President, International Speakers Network
"There's no better copywriter than Robert W. Bly, the man I call the 'King of Copy.' He can teach you more about the art and science of marketing than anyone I know."
--Richard Dean Starr
"20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier."
--Ken McCarthy
"For over 25 years, Bob Bly has set the gold standard in results-oriented business-to-business writing."
--Roger C. Parker, author, Looking Good in Print
"When it comes to educating his fellow copywriters and marketers, Bob Bly is the master."
--Dianna Huff
"Bly Rules!"
--Murray Raphel, Raphel Marketing
"Mr. Copy."
--Markus Allen, Publisher
"There is no greater authority on business-to-business direct response copywriting then Bob Bly. What impresses me most about Bob Bly is his knack for making things clear and simple."
--Scott Miller
"Bob Bly is among the most accomplished self-employed copywriters in recent years."
--Steve Slaunwhite
"Bob Bly is probably the best business-to-business, high tech, industrial, direct marketing copywriter in the country."
--John Clausen
"Perhaps the most famous copywriter of them all."
--The Writer
"[A] freelance writing dynamo...."
--Writer's Digest
"One of the great copywriters in the direct marketing industry...."
--Ruth Stevens, author, The DMA Lead Generation Handbook
"...[a] copywriting giant..."
--Freelance Writer's Report
"Bob Bly is a human machine who has been outputting high-grade direct marketing copy for decades. I've read a few of his numerous books and have learned much from this pro."
--Larry Chase, Web Digest For Marketers
"Renowned direct marketing practitioner and prolific author Bob Bly [is] nationally recognized for his control-beating copy. [He] knows how to write for results."
--Kansas City Direct Marketing Association
"Bob Bly is in the upper echelon of direct mail and e-mail copywriters and he's an all-around direct marketing guru. In addition to hundreds of successful campaigns for technology clients, Bly has authored or co-authored more then 50 books."
--Bruce Hadley,
"Bly is probably one of the world's most famous and experienced copywriters. He is also a noted authority on the creation of online copy and online trends."
--The Compulsive Reader
"Bob Bly is a world-class copywriter."
--Paul Hartunian
"I've known Bob for a long time. His stuff is terrific."
--Johne Forde, Copywriter's Roundtable
"Bob Bly [is] a prolific advertising genius."
--Joe Vitale, "Mr. Fire"
"Thanks for all. You are just a pleasure to work with -- my top choice copywriter. I always learn so much when we do stuff as a team."
--Lori Haller, Shadow Oak Studio
"Brilliant job Bob! You are a master at persuasion!"
--James Trippon, China Stock Digest
"Bob, you did a professional job on the McMaster Online rewrite. The changes you made fit nicely into the sales piece, and your bonus idea was brilliant. The results were outstanding, and we hit our marketing target."
--R.E. McMaster, McMaster Online
"Bob's copy is powerful, and it makes me want to buy the book. Putting all the words in Marty's mouth is perfect, and allows all kinds of outrageous statements to roll forth without a blush. I think Bob's done a terrific job."
--Gordon Grossman
"Bob, let me take a moment to thank you for the top quality work and inspirations you've shared with us this year. You've been a key part of our team and I'm looking forward to 2007!"
--Lauryn Franzoni, ExecuNet
"This is an impressive job. These e-mails are very persuasive and I like the natural flow - it's effortless to read them from top to bottom."
--President, SafeApp Software, LLC
"As a result of my association with Bob Bly I've put well over $27,000 in my pocket this year. I expect this to be 30% of what we'll make together next year. Thanks Bob!"
--Fred Gleeck,
"We're very happy with the copy. Thanks for all of your work on this!"
--Lauren Klopacs, Forbes
"Thanks for the fast response with the first draft of our direct mail package. I like what I see! The headlines, copy, and format you came up with erase any doubt I may have had about spending the money for a professional to do the job."
--Ron Berge, Modulog
"We've been very impressed by what you've done ... top flight work."
--Ben Howerton, The Real Estate Arena
"Bob's one of the most experienced - and successful - copywriters I know. I work with him every chance I get - both for The Total Package and when he's available, with my agency, Response Ink!"
--Clayton Makepeace, Response Ink
"I was your client at Philadelphia National Bank (later CoreStates) many years ago. I was always happy to pass on your copy to my internal clients because it was invariably right on target."
--John Alexander
"Bob, you're the man! Looks great. I really like the letter and the writing. Thanks!"
--Jeff Haefner, Ideal Computer Systems, Inc.
"Bob has done a terrific job with the elements he's produced (and his perspective on our DM activities has been very helpful as we project out the response rates for our Landlord Initiative.) He's easy to work with and delivers top quality materials."
--Scott Brueggeman, Socrates Media
"The brochure copy looks excellent. You seem to have really 'hit the nail on the head.'"
--Richard Eichenbaum, Eichenbaum & Stylianou, LLC
"The first time we tested your promo, it outpulled our control by 50%. Since then, the package you developed for us has done a tremendous job in growing the company these last 4 year. Thanks!"
--Bill Crosson, Planner Pads
"Wow, you did an amazing job writing our new white paper!"
--Michelle Barnum, Altiris
"I wanted to let you know what a wonderful job you did for me on the first draft of my drip marketing letter. I'm very pleased, excited, and impressed. You really do possess an amazing skill! Thank you for such a wonderful job!"
--Scott Martin, MartinWest Insurance Brokerage
"Thanks for the lightning speed turnaround! Your feedback was very thorough and clear. I could tell that you read every word. Great job."
--Clay Conner, Five Degress North
"Bob, on behalf of Lee and I, your ad copy is fantastic."
--Michael Kelley, Elite Inner Circle
"Well, I guess it's official. You're very good! It's very clear to me that your critique will be worth a lot more to me than you've charged for it. I appreciateit very much and greatly admire your work."
--Frank Ramos, e-PRO
"Just following up. Thanks again for a great day last week. Everyone is buzzing, trying out your ideas and suggestions. A good thing all the way 'round."
--Jim Bell, IOMA